Matti Alonen to become CEO of Fimpec’s German subsidiary

Fimpec Deutschland GmbH’s new CEO is Matti Alonen, who will take over the position from Teppo Grén, who is due to retire by summer 2021.

Matti Alonen, who has an M.Sc. (Tech) in construction technology, was appointed CEO of Fimpec Oy’s German subsidiary Fimpec Deutschland GmbH from 11.1.2021. Alonen has worked for Fimpec since 1.8.2019, most recently as a construction manager for Fimpec Deutschland GmbH. Before joining Fimpec, Alonen spent five years as a project manager and seven years as CEO at a construction industry company.

“At Fimpec, I’m especially interested in the opportunity to work on international projects abroad. I was also already familiar with the company, and knew I would be working on interesting projects with skilled professionals,” states Alonen.

Fimpec Deutschland GmbH’s previous CEO, Teppo Grén, will continue work at Fimpec as an operations manager until his retirement by summer 2021. He will work in Germany until early March, and in Finland thereafter, preparing for the transfer of leadership of the cost management unit to operations manager Henri Lähdesmäki.

“The changes to tasks are planned in advance. Right from the beginning, the aim was for me to be involved in the start-up phase of the German subsidiary, and then the responsibility would be transferred to others,” says Grén, one of the founders of Fimpec Oy.

Demand for Fimpec in Germany

Fimpec’s subsidiary’s operations in Germany have begun as planned. The first large project is already under way with ten members of staff, and new personnel are being recruited from early 2021.

“There is demand in the area for an actor like Fimpec. Germany’s construction industry market is vast, with lots of potential and demand, even though competition is fierce with high standards. Our aim is to focus on Germany’s major international projects, particularly in the energy, wood processing, and chemical industries. One of our strengths is our ability to offer the customer an international level of expertise, clearly demonstrated in our projects worldwide,” sums up Matti Alonen.

Fimpec Deutschland GmbH’s office can be found in Leuna, near Leipzig, at: Am Haupttor, 06237 Leuna, Deutschland

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