Diverse Engineering expertise for industry and energy sector needs

About the Service

Fimpec’s engineering services are broadly available for various industrial sectors and energy projects. They cover the entire lifecycle of engineering: from concept engineering, preliminary engineering, basic engineering, detailed engineering to maintenance engineering. We also master various sub-areas of engineering comprehensively.

The breadth of our engineering resources, our high level of expertise, extensive experience in various engineering tasks, and continuous self-improvement enable the engineering of challenging and extensive sites, such as factory and plant projects. Thanks to our flexible approach, we can also efficiently execute limited, individual assignments.

Numbers About Us

Engineering staff


Deep expertise from forestry to energy and much more.

Ongoing projects


Our bread and butter are large and small industrial and energy sector projects.

Energy transition projects over


MW worth. We assist our clients on the journey towards carbon neutrality.

Our Offered Services

Phases of the Engineering Process

Engineering Diciplines

How We Operate

Experience, expertise, and the ability to understand the Client

We believe the importance of good engineering cannot be overstated. Good, project-appropriate engineering means cost savings, timeliness, and safety in an investment project.

Our greatest strength in this work are our motivated, skilled, and internationally experienced engineers, who are capable of innovative and responsible solutions. We also have the ability and experience to combine the expertise of different specialists to serve our clients’ needs.

We regularly receive praise for our ability to genuinely listen and understand the client’s needs, while also boldly presenting our own expertise to find the best solutions. Naturally, we utilize the opportunities of rapidly advancing technology in our work and keep our tools and expertise up-to-date.

We Offer Engineering Services in These Markets


Service solutions Engineering, Project & Construction Management, Consulting

Clean Energy

Service solutions Consulting, Engineering, Project & Construction Management

Forest Industry

Service solutions Engineering, Project & Construction Management

Other industries

Service solutions Engineering, Project & Construction Management

Built Environment

Service solutions Engineering, Project & Construction Management

Examples of Success

Electric boiler project

EPCM consulting services: Fimpec acts as the main consultant in the project, and is responsible for engineering project management, procurement, and construction management.

2023-2025 Finland Read the reference

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Contact us

Harri Soininen

Business Unit Director



+358 40 552 5814

Sami Nissinen

Business Unit Director



+358 40 348 5401