Diverse Engineering expertise for industry and energy sector needs

About the Service
Fimpec’s engineering services are broadly available for various industrial sectors and energy projects. They cover the entire lifecycle of engineering: from concept engineering, preliminary engineering, basic engineering, detailed engineering to maintenance engineering. We also master various sub-areas of engineering comprehensively.
The breadth of our engineering resources, our high level of expertise, extensive experience in various engineering tasks, and continuous self-improvement enable the engineering of challenging and extensive sites, such as factory and plant projects. Thanks to our flexible approach, we can also efficiently execute limited, individual assignments.
Numbers About Us
Engineering staff
Deep expertise from forestry to energy and much more.
Ongoing projects
Our bread and butter are large and small industrial and energy sector projects.
Energy transition projects over
MW worth. We assist our clients on the journey towards carbon neutrality.
Our Offered Services
Phases of the Engineering Process

Concept Engineering
Concept Engineering

In the concept engineering phase, information is gathered about the client’s needs, decisions are made on which of these needs to address and by what means. In concept engineering, we explore various alternatives for technologies, processes, and locations, and we ideate how to advance the project. Preliminary cost calculations are also made at this stage.
The concept engineering is followed by feasibility studies. Multiple options are still involved, which are further examined and considered for site placement, processes, technology selection, infrastructure, and environmental impacts, along with preliminary layouts. Permitting processes should also be initiated at this stage.

Harri Soininen
Business Unit Director
+358 40 552 5814

Preliminary Engineering
Preliminary Engineering

Preliminary engineering is the most crucial phase in large and challenging projects, as the most important decisions affecting costs and schedules are made here. Good preliminary engineering saves money and resources and reduces errors in later engineering phases and execution. Documents produced during the preliminary engineering phase form the basis of the investment proposal.
In the preliminary engineering phase, we focus on one selected concept and perform more detailed calculations and designs required by the project, such as production, processes, and costs, and advance visualization. Preliminary engineering clarifies the necessary scope and overall costs, providing more precise initial data for further engineering and outlining required ancillary functions.

Harri Soininen
Business Unit Director
+358 40 552 5814

Basic Engineering
Basic Engineering

In the basic engineering phase, detailed implementation requirements and plans are prepared based on the preliminary engineering, defining the required process, main equipment, general plant layout, and system architecture. Basic engineering produces the necessary documents for detailed engineering and equipment procurement.
This phase involves most of the decisions critical for project implementation and budget, solidifying most of the costs while refining the cost estimate. Basic engineering can be divided into procurement engineering and functional engineering, both of which are areas of top expertise at Fimpec.

Harri Soininen
Business Unit Director
+358 40 552 5814

Detailed Engineering
Detailed Engineering

In the detailed engineering phase, we prepare the necessary plans for the implementation of the investment so that the project can move into the procurement phase and create the required equipment procurement and contract documents. This phase includes, for example, the project’s structural, architectural, and main engineering as well as specialized engineering as required by the project, detailed in their respective sections.

Harri Soininen
Business Unit Director
+358 40 552 5814

Engineering Diciplines

Expert Services
Expert Services

Fimpec is an expert organization that has concentrated very high-level expertise and specialists from different areas of investment and construction projects. Our experts’ expertise is naturally available in projects we are involved in, but their knowledge can also be utilized for specific, specialized needs through our Expert Service.
Whether your need relates to heat recovery, boiler technology, LCA calculation, product development, or deeper process expertise, from our pool of experts, you will certainly find the right person to address it. A good overview of our expertise is available on these web pages, but not all specialty areas might be listed, so feel free to contact and ask.

Susanna Vähäsarja
Operative & Development Director
+358 40 348 5664

Automation Programming
Automation Programming

We design and program automation systems (DCS) and logic systems (PLC) and offer their commissioning services. In both areas, we master the main systems and can provide the opportunity to order extensive packages from a single supplier. Our experience in international projects around the world provides understanding and expertise for engineering in various environments and needs.
Service is offered as a complete package, where we are responsible for the necessary investigations, engineering, and commissioning service. Our strength is the diverse expertise in industrial and energy sector processes. Together with our electrical, instrumentation, and automation engineering services, we can also take care of the design of extensive EIA assemblies.

Mika Ilmonen
Engineering Manager,
Power and Control
+358 45 145 9331

Janne Kellola
Head of Automation and
Electrical Engineering
+358 40 713 6906

Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering

Fimpec’s experts’ diverse experience enables the design of machinery and equipment for various needs across different industries. Thanks to our expertise and resources, we are able to design extensive assemblies, combining our mechanical engineering knowledge with electrical instrumentation and automation expertise. We flexibly execute individual specialized engineering tasks requiring specific expertise. Often, our work involves product development.
It is advisable to involve us early in the project. Our strong experience in preliminary engineering helps us assess whether the project implementation is profitable and what its costs are. We can also handle pilot phase engineering tasks comprehensively. Similarly, we thoroughly consider safety aspects from risk assessments to operating instructions.

Plant Engineering
Plant Engineering

We perform layout, construction task, and piping design for various industrial sectors at every stage of the project lifecycle. Our plant engineering services cover both the design of complete projects and detailed engineering of specific areas.
Our strength in industrial plant engineering lies in experienced, skilled, and long-serving engineering experts at Fimpec, who have a diverse experience in projects, their successful implementation, and understanding of clients’ needs. If necessary, we can also advise our clients on all aspects of plant engineering to ensure that the construction project can be smoothly executed in the implementation phase.

Jussi Järvelä
Engineering Manager,
Plant engineering
+358 40 518 8548

HVAC Engineering
HVAC Engineering

We perform HVAC engineering primarily for industrial sites, but also for building technology, where especially maintenance and repair planning is involved. The starting point for our design is always cost- and energy-efficient system solutions, and we always consider energy regulations and environmental classifications.
Our engineering targets include industrial buildings, process industry, electrical rooms, industrial air conditioning, commercial buildings, and warehouses. Our specialty expertise includes cooling systems, filtration systems, and heat recovery systems.

Process Engineering
Process Engineering

We design comprehensive process solutions for various industries. Our expertise particularly covers the forestry, chemical, bioproduct, and mining industries, as well as the energy sector. In addition to new sites, we have expertise and experience in modifications and repairs of old plants. Our specialty expertise includes energy-efficient solutions, which we know well thanks to Fimpec’s extensive experience in the energy sector.
Our services cover all engineering services from preliminary studies, feasibility studies, and profitability calculations to detailed engineering, maintenance engineering, and commissioning. We always design solutions in cooperation with clients and other stakeholders, focusing on customer- and process-oriented outcomes.

Piping Engineering
Piping Engineering

We have extensive experience and expertise in piping engineering, especially for the process industry needs. Our experience covers all types of pipes, such as those used in the food and pharmaceutical industries and cryogenic pipes.
Our specialty is demanding piping engineering for conditions where high temperatures and high pressure place special demands on design and materials. We also master stress analyses.
Engineering tasks are performed in accordance with the standards required by the project, such as pressure equipment standards and the ASME standard. Piping design is often part of plant engineering, but we also undertake separate piping design assignments.

Jussi Järvelä
Engineering Manager,
Plant engineering
+358 40 518 8548

Structural Engineering
Structural Engineering

We engineer various types of factories, production facilities, and other buildings customer- and process-oriented, efficiently using modern methods in compliance with building regulations. We always consider the process, surrounding equipment, and structural requirements in our designs. Our structural engineering services can be combined with the design of production plant processes, allowing us to take care of the entire project if necessary.
Engineering solutions follow a holistic approach, and we find suitable and customized solutions for each case in cooperation with clients, architects, and other stakeholders. In our designs, we always consider the usability of structures and spaces, keeping in mind life-cycle costs and environmental aspects.

Antti Lahtinen
Engineering Manager, Technical calculations, Structural engineering
+358 40 1541 651

Electrical, Instrumentation, and Automation Engineering
Electrical, Instrumentation, and Automation Engineering

Our expertise covers electrical engineering from 110 kV targets, allowing us to take care of extensive assemblies including power distribution with transformation needs, motor control centers, lighting and power distribution centers, and emergency power systems.
We perform automation and instrumentation engineering for different industrial sectors. Our engineers’ diverse experience in various industrial processes and field device solutions enables the implementation of extensive assemblies, but we are equally prepared for the design of individual process sections with controls.
Our electrical, instrumentation, and automation engineering services cover the entire project lifecycle: from preliminary engineering with alternative and cost studies, basic engineering, detailed engineering, maintenance engineering, and we have the resources and expertise to also take care of on-site installation supervision, testing, and commissioning. Together with our automation program engineering services, we can also take care of the design of extensive EIA assemblies.

Janne Kellola
Head of Automation and
Electrical Engineering
+358 40 713 6906

Mika Ilmonen
Engineering Manager,
Power and Control
+358 45 145 9331

Technical Calculation
Technical Calculation

We offer various expert services in technical calculation for industrial needs using the latest calculation systems. Technical calculation is an integral part of Fimpec’s various engineering processes.
We comprehensively manage industrial processes from individual structural components to equipment assemblies and complete systems, from structural technical analyses to product development and, for example, pressure vessels and steel structures. We have strong experience with various design systems in domestic and international projects.

Antti Lahtinen
Engineering Manager, Technical calculations, Structural engineering
+358 40 1541 651
How We Operate
Experience, expertise, and the ability to understand the Client
We believe the importance of good engineering cannot be overstated. Good, project-appropriate engineering means cost savings, timeliness, and safety in an investment project.
Our greatest strength in this work are our motivated, skilled, and internationally experienced engineers, who are capable of innovative and responsible solutions. We also have the ability and experience to combine the expertise of different specialists to serve our clients’ needs.
We regularly receive praise for our ability to genuinely listen and understand the client’s needs, while also boldly presenting our own expertise to find the best solutions. Naturally, we utilize the opportunities of rapidly advancing technology in our work and keep our tools and expertise up-to-date.
We Offer Engineering Services in These Markets


Clean Energy

Bio and Circular Economy

Forest Industry

Batteries and Critical Minerals

Other industries

Built Environment
Examples of Success

Electric boiler project
EPCM consulting services: Fimpec acts as the main consultant in the project, and is responsible for engineering project management, procurement, and construction management.

Converting a paper machine into a consumer packaging board line in Oulu
Process, plant, piping, process electrical, building electrical, instrumentation, and HVAC engineering. Previously, Fimpec has been involved in the pre-engineering of the project.

Pilot equipment for the Carbonaide production method of carbon-negative concrete
Fimpec partners in the development of Carbonaide, a technology for producing carbon-negative concrete.
Articles on the topic
Contact us

Harri Soininen
Business Unit Director
+358 40 552 5814