Geothermal energy is currently nearly always one of the alternatives when surveying the possibilities for a new heating solution. It is also an increasingly relevant option, thanks to the possibilities to advance emission-free energy production with the current and new innovative solutions.

Conventional, 100–400-metre deep geothermal wells continue to be a valid option in many sites, but the medium deep (1,000–3,000 metres) and deep wells (up to 6,000–7,000 metres) create a new potential source of energy and offer new possibilities in applications such as densely populated urban areas and combined district heating and cooling production.

New geothermal solutions differ significantly from conventional geothermal wells in terms of their technology and functions. They also bring new challenges, calling for careful planning and comprehensive optimisation during implementation. Our specialists have wide-ranging expertise and experience with both conventional and new geothermal solutions.

Our services are available to the producers of geothermal energy, such as housing companies and other large real-estate managers, as well as geothermal service providers.

For geothermal energy producers, we offer solutions for improving the efficiency of conventional wells and for the optimal implementation of medium deep and deep wells. Our offering also includes the necessary numerical modeling, energy production simulations and implementation plans.

For geothermal service providers, we offer concept designs and design partnerships. Concept designs may also cover the business models as necessary. As an engineering partner, we can provide the implementation planning for the service provider’s customers’ projects.

Our geothermal energy services include:

  • Energy simulation and optimisation services for conventional, medium deep and deep geothermal wells (concept design, dimensioning)
  • Integration of geothermal energy into district heating and localised energy solutions
  • Surveying and specification of energy needs and consumption profiles to provide input data for a local thermal well solution
  • Cost estimates
  • Engineering services for heat pump systems
  • Procurements: technical and commercial tendering and recommendations