We master different implementation models and help choose the right one for each project

How We Operate

At Fimpec, we know and manage different implementation models for construction projects, but we are not tied to any specific one in our operations. We can take responsibility for the project as a whole as an EPCM provider, operate according to the Fimpec IPD model as part of the client’s project organization, act as the main contractor in a PJP model, serve as a traditional construction management consultant, or participate in the project in any other required implementation model.

We also help our clients choose the implementation model that best suits their project. A particular method of implementation is not an end in itself in a construction project, but rather the starting point should be the goals set for the project and examine which implementation model best helps achieve them in the most effective way.

Contact Us

Mikko Turunen

CEO, Fimpec PMO Oy
Director, Project Management Services



+358 040 844 7566
