Fimpec at Yhdyskuntatekniikka 2021 in Turku this week

Fimpec takes part in the Yhdyskuntatekniikka 2021 -exhibition in Turku on 13.–14.10.2021. You will find us at stand number Cc3.
Infratech 2021 -exhibition is the largest event focusing on infrastructure sector in Finland. The program includes seminar and exhibition. They expect over 5 000 visitiors and over 200 exhibitors to the event.
Come and meet Fimpec’s experts at the stand Cc3 and discuss how our experts can lead your projects to a success, which services the new Fimpec can offer and to familiarise yourself with Fimpec as an employer. See you in Turku!
» Register yourself as a visitor (free of charge)
» More information about the event