Fimpec Manages Construc­tion Manage­ment Tasks for Exilion’s Solar Park Project in Simo

Finnish investment company Exilion is constructing one of the largest planned solar power plants in Finland in Simo. Fimpec has been involved in the project right from the pre-construction phase and will continue to serve in the construction management role as Owner’s Engineer throughout the execution phase.

In Simo, Northern Ostrobothnia, one of Finland’s largest solar park projects is set to begin. The solar power plant, developed by Exilion, will have a capacity of 70 megawatts and an annual output of about 65,000 MWh, equivalent to the average annual electricity consumption of roughly 26,000 two-room apartments in multi-story buildings. The project’s uniqueness is further emphasized by the completion of the solar power plant, which will form a hybrid power station together with Exilion’s existing wind turbines in Simo.

“Exilion’s project in Simo is among the first hybrid power stations in Finland, combining wind and solar power. The complementary production profiles of solar and wind, along with the management of energy storage’s adjustment capacity, effectively support each other,” evaluates Tommi Riski, Investment Manager at Exilion Management Oy.

The construction of the solar park is scheduled to start between March and April, with the completion expected in the second half of 2025. The investment is estimated to be around 40 million euros. Solarigo Systems Oy, a subsidiary of the Suur-Savo Sähkö group, has been tasked with the design and execution of the solar park’s construction under a turnkey contract and will take care of the park’s maintenance and operations after completion.

Fimpec has played a crucial role since the pre-construction phase and is responsible for the Owner’s Engineering tasks during the project’s execution phase

From the outset, Fimpec has been involved in the Simo solar power project, overseeing the procurement of transformers and substations, initiated even before the selection of the contractor. During the spring-starting execution phase, Fimpec will manage a comprehensive array of Owner’s Engineering tasks.

“Our role is to act in the best interest of the client, overseeing site supervision, HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) management, and the overall project schedule in partnership with the client,” says Heikki Karjalainen, Fimpec’s Operative Director who is leading the project at Fimpec.

“For Exilion, it is crucial to have a competent Owner’s Engineering partner like Fimpec to ensure the safe and quality execution of the project. Fimpec was chosen for the Simo project because of its extensive expertise in construction management and the necessary procurement skills for a large-scale solar power project,” Riski states.

“This project is significant for Fimpec as it strengthens our expertise in renewable energy, particularly in industrial-scale solar power projects. It also offers us the opportunity to collaborate with a major investor in the sector, leveraging our advanced procurement, project management, and scheduling skills,” adds Jorma Paananen, Business Unit Director at Fimpec.

Established in 2019, Exilion Tuuli is a Finnish investment company focusing on renewable energy production. With 13 wind parks under its belt, Exilion is keen on further investments in renewable energy in Finland. The company’s earnings are directed towards Finnish pensions. Exilion Tuuli is part of Exilion, a Finnish investment and asset management company owned by Keskinäinen Työeläkevakuutusyhtiö Elo, Eläkevakuutusosakeyhtiö Veritas, and the Åbo Akademi Foundation.

» For more information about the Simo solar power project, please visit Exilion’s website.

Contact information

Jorma Paananen

Business Unit Director, Clean energy and Infra


+358 400 347 373

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