Fimpec was responsible for HVAC and electrical works supervision during the renovation of the State House in Jyväskylä

Renovation of the Valtiontalo, a building designed by Alvar Aalto and protected by the Act on the Protection of Buildings, is a challenging project. Fimpec Oy is responsible for HVAC and electrical works supervision.
Long-waited renovation of the historic Valtiontalo building located in downtown Jyväskyla commenced in autumn 2017; the actual interior refurbishment works began in spring 2018. The building’s original look was restored to the maximum possible extent; the works should be completed by the end of 2019.
For the last ten years preceding the start of the renovation works, use of the building considered as one of most important works of Alvar Aalto was prohibited due to collapsing hazard. Restoration of this valuable property has been particularly challenging due to the poor shape of the building and the heritage conservation regulations.
Fimpec is responsible for building services
As regards building services, Fimpec Oy has participated in the Valtiontalo project since the pre-planning stage. The company has been responsible for, inter alia, building services planning, contractor tendering, and supervision of HVAC and electrical works.
With respect to building services, the greatest challenge has been the adaptation of modern building technology to the historic property. In the valuable and protected premises, this must be carried out so that the modern technology is hidden from view. The surprises revealed after demolition of obsolete structures rendered the task even more challenging.
The special nature of the project has required high-level and comprehensive skills from the supervisors. Fortunately, Fimpec’s building services experts have long experience both in building services construction and design.