Fimpec participates in the Naistenlahti power plant project in Tampere

Fimpec’s Pasi Lehtonen is involved as a procurement manager in the Tampereen Sähkölaitos’ Naistenlahti 3 power plant project. Fimpec acts as the client’s trustee in the project under the Owner’s Engineering agreement.

Tampereen Sähkölaitos’ Naistenlahti 3 power plant project is a replacement investment in which the existing Naistenlahti 2 boiler will be replaced with a new CFB boiler. In connection with the boiler renewal, the power plant’s fuel reception, screening and storage and conveyor equipment, as well as other necessary systems serving the new boiler, will also be renewed. The new steam turbine will not be implemented during the project, but the existing old steam turbine will be utilized. The old Naistenlahti 2 power boiler is nearing the end of its life after more than 40 years of operation and will be shut down permanently in the spring of 2022. After that, the new power plant will be commissioned in the autumn and should be ready for production in December 2022.

The project is related to the Tampereen Sähklaitos’s energy turnaround, which began 10 years ago. With the energy revolution, work has begun to reduce CO2 emissions and introduce renewable energy sources.

Tampereen Sähkölaitos is familiar to Fimpec. Fimpec Energy, formerly known as Fundacon Oy, has a long history with Tampereen Sähkölaitos. Fimpec’s Pasi Lehtonen has worked for Tampereen Sähkölaitos for about 10 years in various projects and in various positions. Due to this long history together and his strong experience, Lehtonen was selected for the NSL3 project. Lehtonen works in the NSL3 project as the client’s procurement manager and is responsible for procurement coordination and procurement negotiations and agreements.

The project is progressing despite challenging conditions

Project preparation started already in 2017 and project planning continued until 2019. Construction of the plant has started in the spring of 2020. Lehtonen says that the project is progressing on schedule.

“The construction phase of the project is now almost at its peak. The boiler plant is currently being built and construction work is also being carried out on the fuel receiving side. In the autumn, pipelines, equipment installations and electrification will begin,” Lehtonen clarifies.

Lehtonen says that the project is challenging due to certain special features, but it has also progressed well despite of  them.

“This is a challenging project to build. It is a very cramped site, it has a running power plant next door and the site strength at its best is almost 400 people. For these reasons, coordination of work with other contractors and a good spirit of cooperation are important. In addition, lake Näsijärvi is right next door and the plant will be completed in a really visible place and close to the center of Tampere. That is why the plant will be made spectacular and will have an effect wall and great lighting when completed. Despite the special features and the coronavirus epidemic, the project has progressed well and the pandemic situation has not affected the schedules at all at the moment, ” Lehtonen describes.

According to Lehtonen, the project is significant for Tampere and the Tampere district, because the power plant will use renewable biofuels. In addition, the project is an excellent demonstration of the customer’s long-term trust in Fimpec’s Owner’s Engineering services.

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