Fimpec supports science education for children and youth

Fimpec supports science education for children and youth by participating in organizing the Enerhack Camp for Kids with its subsidiary, HeatConsult OÜ. The Enerhack event held at Tallinn University of Technology in Estonia promotes sustainable energy education for children and youth. The camp is organized twice a year, and the January 2024 camp was aimed at encouraging young girls to take an interest in science and technology.

Fimpec participated for the second time as a partner in organizing the Enerhack camp. The camp held in January 2024 was aimed at inspiring young girls to explore the fields of engineering and energy technology in a safe and encouraging environment. Over 300 girls gathered to discuss interesting and diverse topics such as thermal energy, renewable energy sources, and energy consumption in transportation.

The teaching was conducted through both practical examples and lectures. Participants had the opportunity to take part in various workshops where they could explore engineering work under guidance, for example, by conducting small experiments in chemistry workshops and solving problems in the field of robotics.

Towards a more sustainable future

Fimpec, along with its subsidiary HeatConsult OÜ, supports the Enerhack Camp for Kids with the goal of raising interest in a sustainable future and the energy sector, and to encourage children and youth – this time especially young girls– to get involved with these important topics from an early age.

HeatConsult has been supporting the project since 2021 under the leadership of the company’s CEO and the president of the Estonian Engineers’ Association, Igor Krupenski. He also gives lectures at Tallinn University of Technology and emphasizes that events aimed at youth and children have a significant impact on the future of the industry.

“It is crucial that we encourage kids and especially girls to pursue careers in engineering and the energy sector from a young age. We need to break down stereotypes associated with engineering and inspire girls to boldly venture into science and technology so that we can have a diverse group of professionals building a more sustainable society in the future”, says Krupenski.

A spark for future talents

In addition to workshops, the camp featured guest lectures on various topics such as sustainability. Krupenski notes the importance of role models in inspiring young girls to develop an interest in science and technology.

“Nearly all speakers were accomplished female leaders and pioneers in their fields, who shared inspiring stories of their career paths. Representing HeatConsult was District Heating and Gas Supply Project Manager Katre Keridan, whose presentation focused on how to produce and distribute heating in a sustainable way”, Krupenski mentions.

Among other notable guests and speakers at the camp was the President of Estonia, Alar Karis, who engaged in discussions with the children and participated in workshops. In previous years, the event has also hosted former Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid (2016–2021), Minister of Education and Science Kristiina Kallas and European Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson.

According to Krupenski, the camp has already inspired future talents to take an interest in energy technologies and engineering.

“I already teach students at the university, who have participated in Enerhack camp in previous years. The program is sparking results and change, and inspiring future generations to take the lead. After their studies, the young engineers are welcomed to apply to work in HeatConsult and Fimpec group”, Krupenski rejoices.

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