Fimpec wishes Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Our CEO Antti Lukka’s warmest wishes to Fimpec’s customers and personnel. We directed our Christmas gift money to support the health and well-being of children and young people through three different charities this year.

Season’s greetings from our CEO Antti Lukka

Christmas comes every year. Regardless of how unfinished we, the cleaning of the house or the world are, it will come. This time of the year we often sum up what has been done and little by little start looking towards the future. So, this is what I will do now.

For us it was a year of changes. COVID did not loosen its grip, and still we did not get used to the changes it keeps bringing. However, the daily life with increased restrictions on construction sites and remote office work became more of a routine. We were partially able to get back to the office – before transferring back to the home offices again.

During the brand renewal we gathered our companies under the same Fimpec name to enable future growth. We got a new company outlook, logo and a joint website which were produced before the summer. As part of the brand renewal, we also tried something new with a webinar that was directed to the whole staff. Its reception was largely positive. The webinars will continue in 2022 as we aim to make the Fimpec-brand more known.

Year 2021 has been good for our business, both in Finland and internationally. We are following our planned path of growth: achieved both organically and from the acquisition of Focusplan, it shows in the revenue and in the number of staff. At the same time, cooperation between our different fields of business has become more active and with that, new sales have realized.

This year new supervisors have started in their positions. I wish the best of luck to everyone who have taken up new challenges and encourage support from colleagues to those in their new positions. In the coming year we will continue the development of our staff by training our managers. With the development discussions I urge everyone to use the opportunity to advance their own career paths and occupational development as Fimpecians.

Our office locations have been a subject of change, too: we have some new office space in Turku. Renovations have also taken place in Kouvola and Jyväskylä. I want to say special thanks to the staff who have had to go an extra mile due to these renovations and office moves. Great job well done, thank you!

So, Fimpec is growing, and we will continue the same path next year. Thanks also to our loyal customers who choose us to lead new projects with confidence built from experience and to do valuable engineering work again and again. We ourselves are still getting used to the new name and so are our customers. We live the brand in everything we do, we reflect Fimpec’s values of being the visionary, doing everything in a fair manner and openness, also in the coming year of 2022.

Finally, I want to say a Huge Thank You to the entire Fimpec staff, our clients and stakeholders in Finland and abroad: thank you for your hard work and giving your best in the midst of the ever-changing world events.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Antti Lukka
Fimpec Group Oy

Christmas donations 2021

This year, we share our concern for the well-being and resilience of children and young people. Through three different charities we directed our Christmas gift money to support the health and well-being of this vulnerable group from slightly different perspectives.

MIELI The Finnish Mental Health Association is the world’s oldest non-governmental organization in the field of mental health. Mental health skills learned in the youth protect the mind all through life and help the to face challenges and crises. Read more:

The support association of the children’s wards of the Central Hospital of Central Finland’s, i.e. Lastu ry, was founded in the spring of 1993. The association will donate play, hobby and study equipment to the children’s wards of the central hospital. Read more (only in Finnish):

The Hyvä Joulumieli fundraising will delight low-income families with food gift cards again this year. There is a great need for the fundraising, as the Covid-19 -crisis has increased the financial difficulties of families. Read more :

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