Fimpec’s Mika Siekkinen visits Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences as a guest lecturer

Fimpec’s Energy Recycling Solutions Manager, Mika Siekkinen, visited Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences to lecture on heat pump technology and its future. In his blog post, he discusses the significance of cooperation with universities.

I had the opportunity to hold a lecture to third and fourth-year engineering students at Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences (JAMK) on the processes of heat pumps using different refrigerants and cold processes. The topic was explored through practical examples, examining various heat pump solutions in industrial cooling and district heat production.

The technology of heat pumps is process-oriented cold technology, and training in cold technology is still relatively limited in Finland. Guest lectures at universities are therefore crucial to provide students with the opportunity to delve deeper into the field and understand its significance and realities.

My lecture was based on practical examples, covering different refrigerants’ log p, h diagrams, and various processes such as cascade, carbon dioxide, and ammonia pump cycles, as well as basic refrigeration processes. As part of the lecture, we also discussed the current F-gas regulation for refrigerants and future prospects in this regard.

The F-gas regulation will bring changes to the refrigerant situation in the future, favoring natural refrigerants and hydrocarbons. I recently wrote an article on maximizing the profitability of heat pump investments, delving deeper into the topic. The guest lecture allowed the sharing of knowledge with students and provided an overview of the future of the industry, as we are currently in a transformative phase regarding refrigerants and energy recycling.

The lecture proceeded smoothly, despite the challenging nature of the topic for students and the occasionally technical terminology. Nevertheless, the experience was highly rewarding, and student feedback was positive. According to the feedback, the lecture’s most meaningful aspects were the concrete examples, which also mentioned the realities of the industry in relation to the future prospects of refrigerants.

Guest lectures are valuable for the future of the energy and industrial sectors, promoting awareness of the field among students. I believe that advancing collaboration with higher education is important to actively participate in students’ career choices and contribute to the development of cold technology education in Finland. Guest lectures offer a unique opportunity to share practical experiences and knowledge about the industry while inspiring future engineers and experts.

For more information:

Mika Siekkinen, Manager, Energy Recycling Solutions
Fimpec, Energy Expert Services
tel. 040 416 6610, mika.siekkinen(at)

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