P2X Solutions

Green hydrogen and synthetic methane production plant

Fimpec’s responsibilities in the project are procurement, scheduling, site supervision and HSEQ




Project & Construction Management

About the project

P2X Solutions is building Finland’s first industrial-scale green hydrogen plant in Harjavalta. The plant’s production capacity will be 20 MW, and the facility will reduce Finland’s carbon dioxide emissions by 40,000 metric tonnes per year. The heat and oxygen generated as by-products of the process can be utilized in industrial processes.

Green hydrogen and its downstream products promote the green transition of land and maritime transport and industry, and contribute to Finland’s energy self-sufficiency.

The construction of the plant started in 2022 and is planned to be completed in summer 2024.

Fimpec’s role in the project

Fimpec has been involved in the project will begin already with the preliminary work and covers responsibility for procurement and scheduling, among other things. In the construction phase, Fimpec is responsible for site supervision and HSEQ matters.

The green hydrogen plant project in Harjavalta may be the first for P2X Solutions, but the company has new projects in the pipeline in different parts of Finland. P2X Solutions and the utility Savon Voima, for example, have joined forces to explore the possibility of producing green hydrogen and e-fuels in Joensuu.

Fimpec will also be involved in P2X Solutions’ future projects, in accordance with the co-operation framework agreement concluded in January 2022. The agreement covers consultation services for multiple projects.

As Mentioned

The long-term framework agreement enables a solid, mutually beneficial partnership

“As the first of its kind in Finland, this is an important project for us. There have been challenges, but the project has also offered us an opportunity to make use of Fimpec’s expertise in procurement and renewable energy. Our specialists have done a lot of work especially when it comes to equipment purchases,” says Fimpec’s Jorma Paananen, Business Unit Director and the project co-ordinator.

According to Paananen, the long-term framework agreement enables a solid, mutually beneficial partnership in such complex projects.

“The agreement makes it simple and flexible for P2X Solutions to order any work covered by the framework agreement. One of the benefits is also that it gives us time and an opportunity to prepare for labour needs and identify and assign the right experts to each task.”

For more information

Sami Nissinen

Business Unit Director



+358 40 348 5401

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