
Wood processing unit

Fimpec was involved in the construction of Koskisen’s new wood processing unit as part of the client’s organization


Forestry Industry


Project & Construction Management

About the project

Wood product company Koskisen completed a 50-million-euro investment in a new wood processing unit in Kärkölä, which commenced operations in July 2023. Koskisen’s new sawmill line in Kärkölä is the company’s largest single investment to date. As a result, the company’s sawmill operations were relocated from Järvelä town center to Mäntsäläntie in Kärkölä, alongside timber post-processing and refinement. This increased production synergy and significantly reduced emissions related to internal sawmill logistics. The new unit will initially produce around 400,000 cubic metres of softwood timber per year, increasing sawmill productivity by around 40% compared to the previous unit. At its peak, there were approximately 150 workers on-site during the most intense phase of equipment installation.

Fimpec’s role in the project

Koskisen involved Fimpec in the investment project at an early stage and it was decided to jointly implement the IPD (Integrated Project Delivery) model, where Fimpec was part of the client’s organisation. Fimpec’s responsibilities in the investment, which started in the fall of 2021, included leading construction planning, procurement, construction scheduling, as well as site coordination, supervision, and safety tasks.

The investment project was carried out through effective collaboration

Koskinen’s Project Manager Lassi Santala says that Fimpec’s experience in industrial construction consultancy spoke for itself when choosing Fimpec as a partner According to him, Fimpec was also able to demonstrate at the tender stage that the organisation could adapt with a correctly and reasonably sized organisation at different stages of the project. These promises were also kept during the project.

“Fimpec played a significant role as an industrial construction professional in the project. We at Koskisen defined the production line layout and production-related requirements. Fimpec assisted in constructing all the infrastructure, production buildings, and production equipment foundations around the production line, respecting the production line’s construction schedule and needs. This is where Fimpec’s professionalism was at its best when it came to coordinating the construction and installation of the production equipment. Fimpeci has been and continues to be a great choice as a construction partner for us,” Santala praises.

Markus Pekkola, who served as the site manager in the project from Fimpec, assessed that the project progressed smoothly. This is evidenced by the fact that the investment was completed on time and within budget – the first logs passed through the sawing line on the pre-planned day.

“The key to success was excellent cooperation among the client, contractors, equipment suppliers, and designers. I must also thank the Koskisen project leadership for creating a sense of unity and acquainting the construction organization with the peculiarities of the sawmill. In the project, we were able to utilize established practices from industrial sites, but there was still plenty to learn about sawmill operations,” Pekkola stated.

He adds that during the construction phase, there was also a conscious effort to maintain a positive atmosphere and a shared goal on the site. Weekly coordination meetings were used as a tool to go through the upcoming week’s work and align the work of contractors working in the same area. According to Pekkola, these meetings helped foster a good, collaborative spirit among the contractors. He also emphasized the importance of a well-planned schedule.

“Initially, the project had a well-planned schedule that held up, and the impacts of surprises on the schedule were managed through work planning. And when the schedule is maintained, other critical aspects of the project, such as safety and budget, are more manageable. We also received praise from equipment installers for keeping to the construction schedule. They were able to do their work when it was supposed to and safely.”

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