The Story of Fimpec Oy

The Present


Formation of the Fimpec group

CTS Engtec Oy, Fimpec Oy, and Fundacon Oy began operating under the common name Fimpec on May 26, 2021. Simultaneously, the group company Smaragdus Oy changed its name to Fimpec Group Oy. Fimpec defines itself as a top specialist in project management and engineering.


Fimpec Oy’s revenue exceeds 10 million euros

Fimpec’s revenue was 10.2 million euros, with one-quarter generated outside Finland


Fimpec Oy establishes subsidiaries in Germany and Chile

Fimpec Deutschland GmbH was established in the Leipzig area to strengthen the company’s market position in Central Europe, and Fimpec Chile SpA was established to strengthen Fimpec’s position and operational capabilities in Latin America.


Smaragdus group becomes the owner of Fimpec Oy

The founding shareholders sold Fimpec Oy to the Smaragdus group on February 6, 2019.


Fimpec Oy separates building construction into a separate business area

Fimpec had been serving real estate construction alongside forest and energy industry investment projects from the beginning. In the latter half of the 2010s, growth was deliberately sought in building construction and real estate development, leading to its separation as a distinct business area.


Fimpec Oy employs 60 experts

Fimpec had become one of the leading companies in its field.


Fimpec Oy establishes a subsidiary in Uruguay

Fimpec Uruguay S.A. was established to serve Fimpec’s Finnish and Uruguayan customers on-site.


Fimpec Oy expands into infrastructure construction and building services

The new business areas complemented the previous activities. Building services were acquired through the acquisition of Kuulcon Oy. Revenue was approximately 7.3 million euros.


Fimpec Oy’s revenue rises to 5 million euros

The leap was due to Metsä Group’s Äänekoski bioproduct mill project, where Fimpec was in charge of construction management, supervision of plant installations, and management of installations. A total of 30 Fimpec employees were involved in the project.


Fimpec Oy’s revenue reaches around 2 million euros Oy:n liikevaihto kasvaa noin 2 miljoonaan euroon

The growth was particularly driven by the Andritz Punta Pereira S.A. pulp mill project in Montes del Plata, Uruguay, where Fimpec was responsible for construction site management.


Establishment of Fimpec Oy

Six experienced entrepreneurs in the construction industry founded Fimpec Oy in Jyväskylä: Timo-Pekka Aaltonen, Teppo Grén, Pekka Korhonen, Marko Mäkimartti, Pekka Salomaa, and Timo Väyliö. Fimpec’s first project was the construction of the Keljonlahti power plant, where the new company was responsible for procurement organization and construction management tasks. This was followed by numerous investment projects in the forest and energy industries in Finland and worldwide.