Fimpec grew strongly in 2022, driven by industry and energy sectors

In 2022, Fimpec Group’s turnover grew by more than 35 per cent to EUR 41.1 million (EUR 30.3 mill. in 2021). Sales were accelerated by the market situation in the energy and industry sectors in particular. The Group’s order book was a record EUR 44.0 million at year-end.
During the financial year, demand was exceptionally strong and thus the volume of operations and the Group’s headcount grew significantly, both organically and through M&As. The personnel grew by 45 per cent, from 268 people to 389.
Fimpec Group’s EBITDA rose to EUR 3.0 million (EUR 2.0 mill. in 2021). The relative EBITDA margin was 7.4 per cent, which was below the normal level for the sector. Reasons for this were the investments related to the business growth and the proactive recruitment process.
During 2022, we completed the purchase of Byggnadsekonomi Oy and Byggnadsekonomi Ab stocks and the acquisition of Chemitec Consulting Oy’s business. Fimpec also expanded its operations in Sweden.
In 2023, the turnover is expected to rise clearly to more than EUR 50 million, and profitability is expected to improve considerably. In March 2023, as many as 420 people worked in the Group.
For more information, please contact:

Jukka Nieminen
Chief Executive Officer, Fimpec Group Oy
Managing Director, Fimpec Engineering Oy
+358 40 557 4547