HeatConsult’s Aleksandr Shuljatjev has been nominated for the title of Engineer of the Year 2021 in Estonia

Aleksander Shuljatjev, leading engineer at HeatConsult, is one of three people nominated for the Engineer of the Year 2021 -title. Fimpec is a part-owner of HeatConsult. Shuljatjev has 20 years of experience from the field of district heating and has completed many significant projects in Estonia.

Aleksandr Shuljatjev is nominated for the Engineer of the Year -title especially for his extensive expertise. He has worked as district heating engineer for 20 years and his engineering solutions have been implemented in the largest district heating projects in Estonia. One of the most significant projects in which Shuljatjev participated was Tallinn’s district heating network, total length of which is 500 kilometers.

Shuljatjev was recently responsible for a complex and voluminous project, in which the city of Ülemiste was switched to use green energy. Ülemiste is the largest business city in the Baltics and the aim of the project was to connect the city to district heating and district cooling pipelines enabling it to provide heating and cooling from renewable energy sources to buildings. The project was completed in 2020–2021 and it proceeded smoothly without any big obstacles and was completed on schedule.

HeatConsult’s member of the board Igor Krupenski is proud of the recognition to his colleague and the high-level expertise of HeatConsult. “Aleksandr has had a long and successful career in the field of district heating and for the last 7 years he has worked as the leading engineer of HeatConsult. He is a very responsible colleague, regularly studies new technologies and innovations, and loves to share his knowledge with co-workers,” Krupenski describes the nominee for the Engineer of the Year -title.

The title of Engineer of the Year is annually granted by the Estonian Association of Engineers.

HeatConsult OÜ specializes in the design of heat and gas supply systems, owner supervision and expert assessment. Fimpec became a part-owner of HeatConsult in 2020. Thanks to our cooperation, HeatConsult’s  consulting services are available to customers in Finland through Fimpec and vice versa, Estonian customers can reach Fimpec’s wide service offering through HeatConsult.

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