Fimpec Responsible for the Owner’s Engineering Services at the Salo Waste-to-Energy Plant of Lounavoima Oy

Fimpec (CTS Engtec) has been selected to provide Owner’s Engineering Services at the Salo Waste-to-Energy Plant developed by Lounavoima Oy. CTS Engtec functions as the waste-to-energy plant expert in the project and ensures adequate expert resources for the project.
The WTE plant of Lounavoima Oy produces local energy from non-recyclable combustible waste; according to the plant’s environmental permit, its capacity is 120,000 t/a, which corresponds to approx. 44MW. The plant’s district heat production amounts to 180-190 GWh/a and electricity production to approx. 62 GWh/a. The WTE plant of Lounavoima Oy utilises grate technology that meets future emissions requirements.
CTS Engtec’s Owner’s Engineering contract is a comprehensive one. As the owner’s representative, CTS Engtec supervises equipment deliveries and engineering, as well as harmonises plant construction and interfaces. The key to success lies in the consideration of customer’s interests and objectives, as well as quality assurance of equipment suppliers and contractors with respect to the schedule and technical specifications. Management of the interfaces between different sectors constitutes a demanding part of CTS Engtec’s work.
Juha Kemppi, Sales Director of CTS Engtec, who was also present at the laying of the cornerstone of the waste-to-energy plant, explains the background of the project.
“Careful examination of the initial and final documentation of equipment suppliers is an important part of our work in case of such projects. We participated in the engineering of the Ekokem waste incineration plant in 2010-2012, which in itself serves as a reference indicating our extensive experience in the power engineering industry. We have strong experience related to power distribution networks, electrical and automation engineering.”
CTS Engtec’s role: Owner’s Engineering
Project duration: 2019–2021
Production capacity: 120,000 t/a, approx. 44MW