Fimpec reinforces Owner’s Engineering services offering for the Energy Sector

Fimpec’s Owner’s Engineering services are available to different types of energy projects at all phases. OE customers gain access to Fimpec’s extensive experience and knowhow. For Fimpec’s employees, this means interesting and diverse projects as part of different customer organisations.

The current energy sector transformation requires major investments with an emphasis on implementing them in a problem-solving way, in compliance with legislation and regulations, and bearing in mind future needs. This has increased the need for the Owner’s Engineering services in energy sector projects, which has not gone unnoticed at Fimpec.

“We have identified this need and offer the Owner’s Engineering, or OE service, from a Fimpec’s point of view, combining comprehensive energy sector and industrial expertise and the ability to operate flexibly as part of the customer organisation. As Fimpec grows, our competence and ability to create added value for our customers continues to strengthen,” says Jussi-Pekka Kuivala, Director, Consulting and Process Engineering at Fimpec.

“We have experience in various types of energy sector projects in engineering, construction and supervision. The goal is to be able to offer OE services throughout the project life cycle from the concept engineering and studies to the implementation phase and the initial start-up phase of the plant. Our expertise covers engineering, scheduling, procurement, project management, cost accounting etc,” adds Senior Consultant Janne Lavanti, who works with OE tasks in the energy sector at Fimpec.

Extensive expertise benefits the customer

The sector-specific special expertise is an obvious starting point for the OE services, according to Kuivala and Lavanti. In addition to this, Fimpec’s strength lies in the possibility to combine experience and expertise from different sectors and tasks in order to serve the customer.

“Fimpec has been involved in projects of various sizes with different scopes. Projects have ranged from power plants to pulp mills and new green hydrogen production plants. Our roles vary from engineering to development, consultation and supervision. This means that we can draw on extensive expertise that crosses sector interfaces also in OE tasks. We consciously work to utilise this synergy,” Kuivala explains.

Lavanti adds that co-operation is the most fruitful and useful when Fimpec joins a project in its OE role as early as possible, immediately at the feasibility study and pre-engineering phase: “That is when critical decisions are made for the project, and making use of the OE services at that stage helps bring the greatest benefits. When the project moves into the implementation and construction phase, it becomes difficult to make major savings.”

Based on the customer’s needs

A key aspect of Fimpec’s Owner’s Engineering operations is understanding the customer and their needs and acting accordingly. Fimpec is used to operating on the customer’s terms and as part of their organisation.

“We are prepared to adjust our ways of working according to the customer and the project in question. The customer could be, for example, a start-up company, that has been established for a specific project, which means that the processes and models would have to be created and developed from the scratch. An opposite example would be, for instance, forest and pulp industry giants that carry out billion-euro projects one after the other and which have very established models for implementing them. It is essential to understand what the customer is like and what are the prerequisites for the project, and to adjust our operations accordingly,” Lavanti points out.

The same flexibility also applies to the content of the commission. In the OE service, it is mostly about supervising the interests of the customer and typically customers use it in EPC, i.e. turnkey projects to supervise the engineering and implementation carried out by the supplier. Fimpec’s OE services can, however, be used in more restricted tasks as well.

“For example, we are currently involved in preparing procurements for P2X Solutions’ hydrogen production plant project in Harjavalta. We are also part of the heat pump procurement for Tampereen Sähkölaitos on an OE basis,” Kuivala says.

“In the project, we take on the role of the customer, and when we are deep in the customer’s organisation, they gain access to our experts’ professional insight and experience of earlier projects, as well as the whole of Fimpec’s expertise in different sectors. It is clearly a strong point for our experts that, in addition to the customer, they can discuss things with various experts in their own organisation and, if needed, bring additional resources on board the project,” Lavanti explains the benefits that the customer gains from working with Fimpec.

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