Feasibility study for modernizing an industrial mineral processing plant for Euroarce Minería S.A.

Fimpec* was commissioned by Euroarce Minería S.A. to conduct a feasibility study for the modernization of the Rio Pirón Feldspar flotation plant located in Navas de Oro, Spain. The project has now been successfully completed, and discussions on collaborating on the next stage of the modernization project are under way.
Euroarce is the raw materials division of SAMCA Group. Its production sites supply minerals to the glass, foundry, refractory and agriculture sectors. It groups together more than 20 mining sites and mineral processing plants in Europe.
Due to our proven expertise in test planning, process engineering and plant design, it was agreed that Fimpec would deliver the complete range of necessary research work to Euroarce.
“Our services covered all of the required tasks for a successful feasibility study, and Euroarce was pleased with the results,” says Michael Haas, Senior Process Specialist from Fimpec.
We look for new solutions instead of offering “standard procedures”
At the start of the project, two process specialists, Michael Haas and Pelin Altinkaya, took Fimpec’s mobile laboratory to Spain. Over a period of three weeks, they conducted more than 50 laboratory-scale flotation tests and a week-long site audit, and they also discussed the project-related needs and targets with the client.
“Thanks to the modern laboratory equipment and smooth collaboration between Fimpec and our personnel, it was possible to conduct an impressive amount of test work in a much shorter time and smaller budget than one would expect with the more common approach of conducting test work at a specialized laboratory,” says José Luis Corbacho, Plant Director.
The vast quantity of data gathered during the three-week site visit allowed the creation of simulation models to determine an optimized configuration for modernizing the processing plant. The existing equipment was examined and optimized, and the simulation model was fitted with new equipment.
An independent partner to evaluate process solutions and offers
After an optimized flow sheet was determined, the mass and water balances were calculated and all necessary equipment was sized. Bidding for new equipment was conducted with a minimum of three suppliers, which is Fimpec’s standard procedure for ensuring the highest quality and best price for our customers.
Based on the suppliers’ data and Fimpec’s expertise, CAPEX and OPEX calculations were made, and preliminary 3D models of the layout were created in AutoCAD.
“Now the work has been completed, we can share how much we enjoyed being able to apply our extensive expertise while also learning a lot ourselves. That is typical in these projects, as every site is unique, and the procedures vary from country to country. But at the same time, we are always able to bring in our experience from former projects and contribute new ideas, too,” says Haas.
*In 2022, Chemitec Consulting was commissioned by Euroarce Minería S.A. to conduct a feasibility study for the modernization of the Rio Pirón Feldspar flotation plant located in Navas de Oro, Spain. Chemitec Consulting Oy’s business was acquired by Fimpec in December 2022.
For further information, please contact

Luis Rudolphy
Chief Sales Officer, International sales
+358 40 197 2323