Jussi-Pekka Kuivala has been appointed Fimpec’s Director of Consulting and Process Engineering

Kuivala’s task is to develop Fimpec’s consulting and process engineering operations.

Jussi-Pekka Kuivala has been appointed Fimpec’s Director of Consulting and Process Engineering as of September 2021. In his role, he will focus strongly on energy and aim to develop consulting from the perspective of the entire Fimpec Group while developing process engineering from an energy industry perspective.

According to Kuivala consulting plays an important role in supporterting of other Fimpec services.

“Consulting is how you get a foot in the door. We want to get involved with projects, semi-finished products and technologies that we can bring to our customers’ attention at an early stage. This is how we and our customers and stay up to date”, explains Kuivala.

A strong background in consulting

Kuivala has a master’s degree in energy technology and has also studied applied thermodynamics. In is career, Kuivala worked for a long time at Greenfield Consulting, first as a consultant and later as a partner and CEO. Kuivala says that he quickly gained responsibility in consulting as well as interesting international experience. The subject of his thesis, which he completed as a consulting assignment, became his specialty. District cooling was still new to Finland, so he quickly became a specialist in it.

Kuivala has also worked for Granlund Oy, where he was the Regional Energy Solutions team leader. At the time, a significant part of his job involved energy solutions specifically tailored to the needs of end users.

Motivated by growth goals and new challenges

The transition to Fimpec is natural for Kuivala. He says his work quickly became interesting and felt right. Fimpec’s focus on energy industry projects, strong growth targets in the energy sector, internationalization opportunities and familiar faces convinced Kuivala.

“The fact that Fimpec had identified the energy sector as a strong growth sector sparked confidence. We are not yet a very well-known player in the energy sector, but we have a strong capacity to succeed. The company’s international experience was also impressive. The company also has some familiar faces, which was a nice addition”, explains Kuivala.

Kuivala says that he is already excited about working with the goals and challenges of the energy sector.

“I already anticipate that we reach our goals and it’s great to be a part of the growth development. A good challenge for us is to increase Fimpec’s name and visibility in the energy sector, which will be interesting”.

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