Fimpec Group has grown as a partner to its customers into a workplace that attracts top talents

Fimpec Group now employs more than 400 specialists. In 2022, our headcount grew by approximately 140 people, among them consulting specialists, engineers and project management professionals.
“Fimpec’s role in its customers’ incredibly interesting projects is sparking interest among specialists and job seekers in the industry. Our projects reflect the importance of the latest developments in technology, the green transition and sustainable growth,” says HR Director Erica Kraufvelin-Lämsä of Fimpec Group.
In 2022, Fimpec Group’s personnel grew by approximately 140 people. Most of them, about 100 people chose Fimpec as their new employer, and the others joined the company through M&As..
“Demand for our services has grown and diversified in recent years. Building on that trust, we want to renew our services and grow into new areas of expertise. Expanding and deepening our expertise and successfully recruiting specialists in different fields are the key drivers of Fimpec’s growth,” stresses Kraufvelin-Lämsä.
Seeking experience and a burning desire to think outside the box
Fimpec has been part of industrial projects in various sectors for more than five decades now. In our teams, we value both in-depth experience of technically and qualitatively demanding projects and new competence.
“Even now, our engineers are working on a process conversion at a paper mill in Oulu, and we were part of the conversion engineering for that mill already back in the 1990s and again around two years ago,” recounts Jukka Nieminen, CEO of Fimpec Group.
In industry, new solutions are being sought from the perspective of economy, climate impacts and energy efficiency. Fimpec’s versatile know-how and services ensure the development of new solutions.
“We engineer and execute solutions that bring together the aforementioned perspectives. We therefore believe that we are helping to build a structure between a sustainable economy and a living environment together with our customers,” adds Nieminen.
The energy transformation is moving at an increasingly fast pace
Fimpec’s customers operate across industrial sectors and in energy and related sectors. One thing they all have in common is that they are operating within the energy transformation.
“Our customers are trying to predict and find new solutions while implementing their current projects related to the green transition. At this pace, they need even more support to find the right direction and to make, plan and carry out their investment decisions. We are responding to this demand company-wide, through all our services, but the most recent developments relate to our Fimpec Energy Services and Fimpec Consulting Oy services,” explains Nieminen.
Expansion to international markets continues
Fimpec’s service offering and competence development have always gone hand in hand with working with customers in international projects.
“Nowadays we are building our global reach in many ways: we continue to be closely involved in our customers’ projects. In addition, Fimpec Node Oy is building its international network in Finland and abroad. We have a presence in Sweden and Estonia through our subsidiaries. We are a true international growth company,” says Kraufvelin-Lämsä.
Diversity promotes development that propels us forward
Offering consultation, engineering and project management services to various industrial and energy-sector operators in Finland and abroad, Fimpec also has a diverse corporate culture.
“With so many fields of expertise, it means we have a lot of different people with diverse perspectives and opinions. This came to light in a survey of our corporate culture in autumn 2022. We are a diverse, developing company whose employees value an exchange of opinions and learning,” says Kraufvelin-Lämsä.
She believes that diversity promotes development, which also attracts new experts to Fimpec:
“In just the first two months of this year, we have already recruited 26 new specialists to our teams. Read more about our roles, services and customers at But most importantly, get in touch with us – we are more than happy to discuss your future work at Fimpec with you,” says Kraufvelin-Lämsä.
( In the photo above Mila Viksilä, who is already the 400th Fimpec employee! She started in early 2023 as a BIM and cost accounting specialist.
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