Sami Nissinen to become sales manager for energy operations

Sami Nissinen, a mechanical and production technology engineer, has been appointed sales manager at Fimpec (CTS Engtec) from 14.12.2020. His area of responsibility focuses on energy operations and their development.

CTS Engtec Oy strengthened its sales organisation in mid-December when Sami Nissinen started work as a sales manager for energy operations. Nissinen’s tasks include strengthening the sales of energy operations and the development of project activities. He works in the Helsinki office.

Sami Nissinen graduated as a mechanical and production technology engineer in Jyväskylä in 2007, and has 15 years of extensive experience with engineering, supervision and sales tasks in the construction industry. His tasks have mostly related to the energy industry, but he has also worked with plant and process engineering. He came to CTS Engtec from Elomatic Oy, where he worked as a group manager.

“CTS Engtec offered me the opportunity to focus on sales, which I had hoped for. I have also seen how CTS Engtec has developed over the years. It has grown, consolidated its position, and become more international. It is interesting to participate in building the company in this phase and to have an influence on the kind of company it will become in the future. CTS Engtec is also a nice size for an organisation; large enough to take on big projects, but still flexible and agile, valuing employee input,” explains Nissinen

“Sami Nissinen will bring strength to the core of CTS Engtec’s energy operations, where he can use his diverse range of skills to utilise the entire Group’s competence in energy,” says EPCM operations manager Frans Jokinen.

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